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Melinda Wezenaar - Kardiatma Facilitatrice de groupe-coach en cohérence cardiaque Av. P. Deschanel 19-2 1030 Bruxelles

GSM: +32 (0) 485 48 85 28


Melinda Wezenaar travaille par l’intermédiaire de la coopérative d’activités JobYourself Coop - N° de TVA : BE 0479 233 349 - Siège social et d’exploitation : Rue d’Alost 7-11, 1000 Bruxelles - Email : -Web :


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Individual coaching

Coping with stress, anxiety, hyperventilation and burn-out through heart and breath. Melinda Wezenaar through Kardiatma organises workshops and coaching in Heart Coherence - biofeedback in Brussels, Belgium. With a specific focus breathing, we induce the state of heart coherence. A simple, accessible, measurable and scientifically proven method. Widely adopted for stress & burn-out prevention/management, and resilience.

Individual learning - coaching

A journey to anchor heart coherence in my daily life

During a 4+1 step trajectory spaced out over 2-3 months, you learn to return regularly to the state of heart coherence and to integrate this practice into your daily life. Approximately two weeks are foreseen between each session. It is important to practice between each step until you are practicing 3x6 minutes of specific breathing per day. You will better understand how you, your body and mind, react to stress, anxiety and emotions. You will discover the benefits of heart coherence and you will have a lifelong "key" to taking care of yourself anywhere, anytime. The breath, we always have it with us!

The approach to heart coherence is easy to learn, but how can you practice it every day? This is the purpose of a 4+1 step course: to feel, understand, practice, adapt, and integrate the heart coherence approach and its benefits into your daily life.

Merci pour l’accompagnement. Cela m'a en effet beaucoup aidé et je dors de mieux en mieux ! Le coaching a également été très motivant pour pratiquer et continuer à pratiquer !

Véronique, musicothérapeute

C’était très enrichissant !Je pense que ces séances me pousseront à maintenir une régularité dans ma pratique,et à y penser lors de situations plus concrètes.


J'ai fort apprécié son professionnalisme, son écoute, sa façon claire d'expliquer les choses, sa gentillesse et sa patience... Ces séances m'ont bien aidées.


Grand merci pour ce beau parcours ; je sens vraiment que la CC m’aide dans le quotidien, m’apaise, me permet de voir les évènements et d’accueillir les émotions autrement.

Merci aussi pour ton écoute et ton accompagnement bienveillant !


1 - Breathing

2 - Heart

3 - Hormones & Emotions

4 - Daily application

Being accompanied by a professional allows me to :

  • a consideration of my personal context

  • a follow-up of my needs

  • understand what stress causes in me

  • a progressive learning process

  • advice on the applications to use to guide my breathing

  • measuring my progress with the biofeedback equipment

  • determining the optimal breathing rate for me

  • have exercises for specific everyday situations

  • get a report at the beginning and end of the training on my stress level (based on a questionnaire)

  • to have a dialogue with a professional who is able to adapt heart coherence into my resilience or prevention pathway

  • and to be stimulated and motivated to continue practising!

Pratical: Sessions - in Brussels and/or on-line

A “classical” trajectory consists of 4 sessions spread over 8-10 weeks - and a follow-up sessions +/- 6 weeks afterwards.

Of course free to stop at any time as well as to follow more sessions, as desired and needed.

First session : 1h30

Other sessions : 1h



Individual session : 65 euros (1h) ; 85 euros (1h30) *

Duo sessions : 85 euros (1h) ; 115 euros (1h30) *

*tarifs are VAT included, unless you have a VAT number

Do not hesitate to contact me should you have limited means; we will try to find a solution.